Dept of CSE - CEG Campus - Anna University - Second Floor Lab

Windows Update - Do not Power Off
Moodle Test Server Link

Linux Server Link

Users accessing from outside University Network -

Users accessing from University RCC Network / RCC WiFi -

Users accessing from Department Computer Lab Network -

File Download Links

FOR ==> BE - 3rd Semester - Java Programming Lab - N Batch - GF Lab

JDBC dated 24.10.2024 **New**

Question PDF dated 24.10.2024 **New**

SPOT Exercises dated 17.10.2024

SPOT Exercises - input.txt File - Right Click and Download dated 17.10.2024

FOR ==> BE - 5th Semester - Compiler Lab - Q Batch - TF Lab

SPOT Exercises dated 03.10.2024 **New**

FOR ==> BE - 1st Semester - C Programming Lab - Q Batch - SF Lab

Memory management - Dynamic memory allocation - dated 10.12.2024 **New**

File Handling in C dated 03.12.2024

C - Preprocessor Directives dated 03.12.2024

Exercises dated 01.10.2024

Linux Basic Commands with Examples dated 03.09.2024

Linux Basic Commands dated 03.09.2024

VIM Editor Commands Reference; ** Use 'vim' instead of 'vi' for more features ** dated 03.09.2024

FOR ==> BE - 1st Semester - Computational Thinking Lab - N Batch - TF Lab

Set Internet Proxy at Mozilla Firefox Browser IP Address : Port : 9031

Week 9 - Scratch - Spot Exercises dated 20.11.2024 **New**

Week 9 - Scratch - Exercises dated 20.11.2024 **New**

Week 8 - Algorithms and Flowcharts - Spot Questions dated 13.11.2024

Week 8 - Turtle Graphics dated 13.11.2024

Week 8 - Getting Started with Scratich 3.0 dated 13.11.2024

Week 8 - Introduction to Scratch PPT dated 13.11.2024

Week 7 : Algorithms and Flowcharts Exercises dated 06.11.2024

Theory Test Question Paper dated 23.10.2024

Libre Office - Base Guide dated 11.09.2024

Libre Office - Using Formulas and Functions dated 11.09.2024

FOR ==> BE - 1st Semester - C Programming Lab - N Batch - TF Lab

Week 2 : Selection and Iterative/Repetitive control structures in C dated 10.09.2024 **New**

Week 2 : Exercises dated 10.09.2024 **New**

FOR ==> BE - 1st Semester - Computational Thinking Lab - P Batch - SF Lab

Week 9 - Scratch - Spot Exercises dated 20.11.2024 **New**

Week 9 - Scratch - Exercises dated 20.11.2024 **New**

Week 8 - Algorithms and Flowcharts - Spot Questions dated 13.11.2024

Week 8 - Turtle Graphics dated 13.11.2024

Week 8 - Getting Started with Scratich 3.0 dated 13.11.2024

Week 8 - Introduction to Scratch PPT dated 13.11.2024

Week 7 : Algorithms and Flowcharts Exercises dated 06.11.2024

Week 6 : Theory Test Question Paper dated 23.10.2024

Week 6 : SPOT Exercises dated 23.10.2024

Week 6 : Execution Exercises dated 23.10.2024

Week 6 : Obeservation Exercises dated 23.10.2024

Week 5 : SPOT Exercises dated 09.10.2024

Week 5 : Execution Exercises dated 09.10.2024

Week 5 : Obeservation Exercises dated 09.10.2024

Week 5&6 : Lecture on Logical Thinking and Reasoning dated 09.10.2024

Week 4 : SPOT Questions dated 25.09.2024

Week 4 : Exercises on Charts dated 25.09.2024

Week 4 : Observation Notebook - Types of Charts dated 25.09.2024

Week 4 : Reading Material - The Charting Process dated 25.09.2024

Week 3 : Dataset EXCEL File - Right Click and Click Save Link as -- to download dated 18.09.2024

Week 3 : Reference Worksheet EXCEL File - Right Click and Click Save Link as -- to download dated 18.09.2024

Week 3 : Tasks and Spot Questions dated 18.09.2024

Week 2 : SPOT Questions dated 11.09.2024

Week 2 : EXCEL File - Right Click and Click Save Link as -- to download dated 11.09.2024

Week 2 : Exercises on Functions in EXCEL dated 11.09.2024

Week 2 : Understanding Functions in EXCEL dated 11.09.2024

Week 2 : Working with Functions in EXCEL dated 11.09.2024

Week 1 : Introduction to Computational Thinking dated 04.09.2024

Week 1 : Formulae in Spreadsheets dated 04.09.2024

FOR ==> BE - 1st Semester - C Programming Lab - P Batch - SF Lab

Lab 10 - Exercises dated 02.12.2024 **New**

Lab 9 - Exercises dated 25.11.2024

Lab 8 - Exercises dated 18.11.2024

Lab 8 - Programs using Structures dated 11.11.2024

Lab 7 - SPOT Exercises dated 04.11.2024

Lab 7 - Exercises dated 04.11.2024

Lab 6 - Program Functions Exercises dated 28.10.2024

Lab 5 - Arrays Exercises dated 07.10.2024

Lab 4 - Exercises dated 30.09.2024

Lab 3 - Exercises dated 23.09.2024

Lab 2 - Exercises dated 16.09.2024

Lab 1 - Exercises dated 09.09.2024

Linux Basic Commands with Examples dated 02.09.2024

Linux Basic Commands dated 02.09.2024

VIM Editor Commands Reference; ** Use 'vim' instead of 'vi' for more features ** dated 02.09.2024

FOR ==> ME - 1st Semester - Networks Lab - FF Lab

OLSR Routing Protocol - dated 23.09.2024 **New**

Point to Point Network using duplex links - dated 23.09.2024 **New**

Implementation of Dynamic Routing Protocol - dated 09.09.2024

Download : Ubuntu NS3 Virtual Machine OVA IMAGE for Oracle Virtual Box Application

*** Open Oracle VirualBox Application --> Go to ==>> File Menu ==> Click on ==> Import Appliance Option ==> Import downloaded OVA Image

*** Ubuntu Linux Login Credentials ==> Username : sf-audcse === Password : sf-audcse1

Type ==> sudo systemctl start gdm ==> to start GUI interface and login again in user 'sf-audcse'

Use 'ns' and 'nam' commands at '$' prompt

Week 4 Lab Exercise - dated 31-08-2024

Week 3 Lab Exercise

Week 2 Lab Exercise

Week 1 Lab Exercise

List of Experiments

Installation of NS3

FOR ==> BE - 3rd Semester - Data Structures Lab - N Batch - TF Lab

Lab 13 - Binary Search Trees Exercises dated 15.11.2024 **New**

Lab 12 - AVL Trees Exercises dated 09.11.2024

Lab 11 - SPOT Exercises dated 08.11.2024

Lab 11 - Exercises dated 08.11.2024

Lab 10 - SPOT Exercises dated 18.10.2024

Lab 10 - Exercises dated 18.10.2024

Lab 7 - SPOT Exercises dated 04.10.2024

Lab 7 - Exercises dated 04.10.2024

Lab 6 - SPOT Exercises on Queue dated 13.09.2024

Lab 6 - Exercises on Queue dated 13.09.2024

Lab 4 - SPOT Questions dated 06.09.2024

Lab 4 - Execution Questions dated 06.09.2024

Lab 3 - SPOT Questions dated 30.08.2024

Lab 3 - Execution Questions dated 30.08.2024

FOR ==> BE - 3rd Semester - Java Programming Lab - P Batch - SF Lab

Lab 11 - Generics Exercises dated 14.11.2024 **New**

Lab 10 - Threads dated 07.11.2024

Lab 10 - Multithreading dated 07.11.2024

Lab 10 - Exercises dated 07.11.2024

Lab 9 - Java_JAXB Tutorial dated 10.10.2024

Lab 9 - Java_JAXB Tutorial dated 10.10.2024

Lab 9 - java_serialization Tutorial dated 10.10.2024 **New**

Lab 9 - Serialization_and_ Deserialization_in_Java dated 10.10.2024 **New**

Lab 9 - Introduction_to_Java_Serialization dated 10.10.2024 **New**

Lab 8 - Exception handling and files dated 05.10.2024

Lab 7 - Java Reference Materials - Download and Unzip dated 03.10.2024

Lab 7 - Interface Exercises dated 03.10.2024 **New**

Lab 6 - Inheritance Exercises dated 26.09.2024

Lab 5 - Date and Time API for Reference dated 19.09.2024

Lab 5 - Abstract class, static, Date API, Array List Exercises dated 19.09.2024

Lab 4 - Exercises dated 12.09.2024

Lab 3 - Java Reference Materials - Download and Unzip dated 05.09.2024

Lab 3 - Exercises dated 05.09.2024

Core Java Cheat Sheet - dated 29.08.2024

The Java Cheat Sheet - dated 29.08.2024

ECLIPSE IDE for Java Programming Guidelines (Refer from Section 2) - dated 22.08.2024

ECLIPSE IDE for WINDOWS - Right Click and Download - Unzip and Run 'eclipse.exe' from unzipped folder - dated 22.08.2024

FOR ==> BE - 3rd Semester - Java Programming Lab - Q Batch - TF Lab

Lab 1 - SPOT Exercises dated 22.08.2024 **New**

FOR ==> BE - 3rd Semester - Data Structures Lab - Q Batch - GF Lab

Data Structure Lab - Spot Exercise on hackerrank

Lab 13 - Binary Search Trees Exercises dated 15.11.2024 **New**

Lab 12 - AVL Trees Exercises dated 09.11.2024

Lab 11 - SPOT Exercises dated 08.11.2024

Lab 11 - Exercises dated 08.11.2024

Lab 10 - SPOT Exercises dated 18.10.2024

Lab 10 - Exercises dated 18.10.2024

Lab 9 - SPOT Exercises dated 04.10.2024

Lab 9 - Exercises dated 04.10.2024

Lab 7 - SPOT Exercises dated 20.09.2024

Lab 7 - Exercises on Stack using Linked List dated 20.09.2024

Lab 6 - SPOT Exercises on Queue dated 13.09.2024 **New**

Lab 6 - Exercises on Queue dated 13.09.2024 **New**

Lab 3 - SPOT Exercises dated 30.08.2024

Lab 2 - SPOT Exercises dated 23.08.2024

Lab 1 - Preparation dated 16.08.2024

Lab 1 - Exercises dated 16.08.2024

FOR ==> BE - 3rd Semester - Digital Lab

Lab 1 - Digital ICs Pin Specification dated 12.08.2024 **New**

FOR ==> BE - 5th Semester - OOAD Lab - P Batch - SF Lab

OOAD : Open Book Test dated 15.11.2024 **New**

StarUML - Older Version - Right Click & Save to Download and Install - dated 06.11.2024

StarUML - to Remove - Right Click & Save to Download and Double Click to remove existing StarUML - dated 06.11.2024

Lab 12 - Package Diagram dated 06.11.2024 **New**

Lab 11 - UML Deployment Diagram dated 23.10.2024

Lab 10 - Component Diagram dated 19.10.2024

Lab 5 - Sequence Diagram dated 04.09.2024

Lab 5 - Collaboration Diagram dated 04.09.2024

Lab 4 - Class Diagram dated 28.08.2024

Lab 2 - Use Case Diagram dated 14.08.2024

Lab 1 - ArgoUML Tool User Manual dated 07.08.2024

Lab 1 - Software Requirement Specification (SRS) Template dated 07.08.2024

FOR ==> BE - 5th Semester - OOAD Lab - Q Batch - GF Lab

Lab 8 - Component diagram for Student Management system dated 25.09.2024 **New**

Lab 8 - Deployment diagram for speech based e-Learning system dated 25.09.2024 **New**

Lab 8 - Deployment Diagram dated 25.09.2024 **New**

Lab 8 - Component Based Diagram dated 25.09.2024 **New**

Lab 6 - Statechart Vs Activity Diagram dated 11.09.2024

Lab 6 - Statechart Diagram dated 11.09.2024

Lab 6 - Activity Diagram dated 11.09.2024

Lab 5 - Collaboration Diagram - Course Registration & Examination Module dated 04.09.2024

Lab 5 - Sequence Diagram - School Management System dated 04.09.2024

Lab 5 - Diff. between Sequence & Collaboration Diagram dated 04.09.2024

Lab 4 - UML Package Diagram dated 28.08.2024

Lab 1 - SRS for Student Information Management System dated 07.08.2024

Lab 1 - Software Requirement Specification (SRS) Template dated 07.08.2024

Lab 1 - Introduction to StarUML dated 07.08.2024

FOR ==> BE - 5th Semester - Machine Learning Lab - P Batch - SF Lab

Dataset : data3.mat dated 28.10.2024 **New**

Dataset : data2.mat dated 28.10.2024 **New**

Dataset : data1a.mat dated 28.10.2024 **New**

Dataset : faces.mat dated 14.10.2024

Dataset : data1.mat dated 14.10.2024

Dataset : Parenthood dated 09.09.2024

Anaconda Tool - Right Click & Save to Download; Install with "Just for me" Option dated 02.09.2024

FOR ==> BE - 5th Semester - Machine Learning Lab - N and Q Batches - TF & GF Labs

Lab 8 - Dataset : Train dated 30.09.2024 **New**

Lab 8 - Exercises dated 30.09.2024 **New**

Lab 5 - Dataset : Train dated 02.09.2024

Lab 5 - ANN dated 02.09.2024

Lab 4 - Dataset : Student Performance dated 31.08.2024

Lab 4 - Linear Regression dated 31.08.2024

Lab 3 - Candidate Elimination & Finding-S Learning Algorithm dated 19.08.2024

Lab 2 - KNIME Exercises dated 12.08.2024

Lab 2 - KNIME Tutorial PPT dated 12.08.2024

Lab 1 - SPOT Exercises dated 05.08.2024

Lab 1 - Exercises dated 05.08.2024

Lab 1 - Introduction to WEKA Tool - A Tool Kit for Machine Learning dated 05.08.2024

FOR ==> BE - 5th Semester - Computer Networks Lab - P Batch - SF Lab

Wireshark Basic Questions dated 15.11.2024 **New**

Exercises dated 08.11.2024

NS2 Tutorial dated 18.10.2024

NS2 Sample file - copy 'ns-simple.tcl' to your 'cygns2/home/Nourredine' folder dated 18.10.2024

NS2 on Cygwin Setup - Download - unzip dated 18.10.2024

run 'Xming' from Windows Search - dated 06.09.2024

Goto 'cygns2' folder - run 'Cygwin.bat' - Goto 'cd ../Noureddine' - run 'source .bashrc' - at $ Prompt - 'vi' to edituse 'ns' - use 'nam' - use 'xgraph'

NS2 on Cygwin Setup - Download - unzip dated 18.10.2024

Lab 7 - DNS Exercises dated 06.09.2024

Website URL :

Lab Test Questions dated 23.08.2024

Lab 5 - HTTP Simulation Exercises dated 23.08.2024

Lab 4 - SPOT Exercises dated 17.08.2024

Lab 3 - Exercises dated 16.08.2024

Lab 2 - Exercises dated 09.08.2024

Lab 1 - Client - C Program dated 02.08.2024

Lab 1 - Server - C Program dated 02.08.2024

Lab 1 - Socket Programming dated 02.08.2024

FOR ==> BE - 5th Semester - Computer Networks Lab - N & Q Batches - TF & GF Labs

Lab 15 - Exercises dated 15.11.2024 **New**

Lab 12 - Wireshark and Scilab Tutorial Links dated 08.11.2024

Lab 12 - Scilab User Manual dated 08.11.2024

Linux OS : SciLab Tool - Right Click & Save to Download; Unzip; Go Terminal and Change Directory to Unzipped Folder

Linux OS : SciLab Install/Run Instructions

Lab 11 - ns2study.pdf - Exercises dated 18.10.2024

Lab 11 - NS_LAB_STUDY_EXPERIMENT - Exercises dated 18.10.2024

Lab 10 - ns2 Network Analysis - Exercises dated 04.10.2024

Lab 10 - Study of network simulator dated 04.10.2024

Lab 10 - ns2 material : 3 dated 04.10.2024

Lab 10 - ns2 material : 2 dated 04.10.2024

Lab 10 - ns2 material : 1 dated 04.10.2024

Lab 10 - Introduction to Network Simulator NS2 dated 04.10.2024

Lab 9 - Basic Flow Control Algorithm : Stop-and-Wait dated 20.09.2024

Lab 8 - Nagle's Algorithm - Program dated 13.09.2024

Lab 8 - Nagle's Algorithm dated 13.09.2024

Lab 7 - Web Cache Reference dated 06.09.2024

Lab 7 - Web Cache Exercise dated 06.09.2024

Lab 6 - Lab Exam Questions dated 30.08.2024

Lab 5 - Socket Programming - HTTP dated 23.08.2024

Lab 4 - C Program for Client - Non-persistent dated 17.08.2024

Lab 4 - C Program for Server - Non-persistent dated 17.08.2024

Lab 4 - Socket Programming - HTTP & Exercises dated 17.08.2024

Lab 3 - Socket Programming - UDP & Exercises dated 16.08.2024

Lab 2 - Exercises dated 02.08.2024

Client Server Programming to handle multiple clients dated 02.08.2024

Lab 1 - Socket Programming dated 02.08.2024

Introduction to Socket Programming PPT dated 02.08.2024

FOR ==> BE - 5th Semester - Compiler Design Lab - P Batch - SF Lab

Lab 2 - Lex and Yacc e-Book dated 08.08.2024 **New**

Lab 1 - Lex and Yacc Compiler Commands - Sample - Change filename as required dated 01.08.2024

Lab 1 - Compiler Design PPT Slides dated 01.08.2024

Lab 1 - Using Lex dated 01.08.2024

Lab 1 - Creating an Input Language with the lex and yacc Commands dated 01.08.2024

Lab 1 - Lex Syntax and Example dated 01.08.2024

FOR ==> BE - 5th Semester - Compiler Design Lab - N Batch - GF Lab

Lab 7 - 3.l file dated 05.09.2024 **New**

Lab 7 - 3.y file dated 05.09.2024 **New**

Lab 7 - 2.l file dated 05.09.2024 **New**

Lab 7 - 2.y file dated 05.09.2024 **New**

Lab 7 - 1.l file dated 05.09.2024 **New**

Lab 7 - 1.y file dated 05.09.2024 **New**

Lab 3 - yyless-01234567890.l dated 10.08.2024

Lab 3 - yymore-0123456789.l dated 10.08.2024

Lab 3 - reject-he said she did it.l dated 10.08.2024

Lab 2 - Compiler Lab Instruction dated 08.08.2024

Lab 1 - Sample Word Count Lex Program dated 01.08.2024

Lab 1 - Lex and Yacc Compiler Commands - Sample - Change filename as required dated 01.08.2024

Lab 1 - LEX Reference dated 01.08.2024

File Download Links for ** Previous Semesters / Years for BE and ME **

Click here for earlier file links

FOR ==> Installing Putty with Xming for GUI over SSH Shell IN WINDOWS OS

Xming dated 02.03.2021

Putty 32 Bit dated 02.03.2021

Putty 64 Bit dated 02.03.2021

How to install Putty and Xming dated 04.03.2021

FOR ==> for GUI over SSH Shell IN Windows 10 OS

Run 'Xming' Application, If Installed else Install from above link and Run;

Goto Command Prompt using 'CMD' Run Command and Type the following command in > prompt

set DISPLAY=localhost:0.0

ssh -Y s<rollno>@ <== for users inside Computer Labs with DEPARTMENT LAN Network

ssh -Y s<rollno>@ <== for users inside Computer Labs with RCC Internet Network

ssh -Y s<rollno>@ <=== for users outside university

FOR ==> for GUI over SSH Shell IN UBUNTU OS/Any Linux OSs

Goto Terminal and Type the following command in $ prompt

ssh -X s<rollno>@ <== for users inside Computer Labs with DEPARTMENT LAN Network

ssh -X s<rollno>@ <== for users inside Computer Labs with RCC Internet Network

ssh -X s<rollno>@ <=== for users outside university

Linux Server Link

Users accessing from outside University Network -

Users accessing from University RCC Network / RCC WiFi -

Users accessing from Department Computer Lab Network -

BE (CSE) CBCS Syllabus (Regulations 2023) Revised

BE (CSE) CBCS Syllabus (Regulations 2023) Semester 1 & 2

BE (CSE) RUSA Syllabus (Regulations 2018)