1. Write a C program to store the information of employees using array of structures. You should store the following information- Name, EmpID, Date Of Birth(DOB), Age, Location and Phone number. Age should be calculated based on the DOB and prefix should be added to the phone numbers based on the locations. Employees can have any one of the following locations India - +91 US - +1 Singapore - +65 UK - +44 Germany - +49 2. Implement the above program using dynamic memory allocation for structure instead of array of structurs. 3. Write a C program to calculate the difference between two time periods using a user-defined function and the structure should have the variables hours, minutes and seconds. Write an appropriate function to calculate the difference between two time periods and display the result in the following format. The function should have the prototype void diffBetweenTime(struct TIME t1, struct TIME t2, struct TIME *timeDiff) Time Difference: 12:35:40 - 8:12:15 = 4:23:25 Time Difference: 8:10:05 - 5:30:50 = 2:39:15 4. Write a C program to add two complex numbers using a user defined function that returns a structure. The protype of the function is something like this struct ComplexNum TakeUserInput(struct ComplexNum n1,struct ComplexNum n2) 5. Create a structure and a union with the following members 1. int variable 2. float variable 3. char array of size 10. compare the sizes occupied by the structure and union and explain the same. 5. Write a program to implement a simple SplitWise app where n friends share the expenses of the party. The party items are to be stored in a array of structures with the following fields - Item name, Quantity and Price. Calculate the total expenses of the party and divide it equally among friends using a user defined function.